It's a hard journey towards complete communities.
We provide the tools for the job.
Understand the forces that generate existing Neighbourhood Infill Patterns and find out why cities' well intentioned plans have failed. Reverse engineer your zoning for success. Simulate the cumulative impacts of change in the complex contexts of your City's neighbourhoods. Engage stakeholders as you make balanced decisions.
Neighbourhood Infill is no longer a mystery.
Predictive Development Analysis
We analyze and document existing infill patterns, then assist in choosing new patterns to meet targets and Official Plan objectives.
Simulation and Geospatial Modeling
We simulate proposed regulatory changes that facilitate informed decision making and balanced outcomes.
Zoning Innovation
We collaboratively develop and test new zoning concepts and provide tools for meaningful consultation.
Predictive Development
We analyze and document existing infill patterns, then assist in choosing new patterns to meet targets and Official Plan objectives.
Analyzing existing and proposed patterns of infill housing in low-rise neighbourhoods. This includes careful consideration of the forces that inform infill development, such as:
Existing neighbourhood conditions
Existing and proposed zoning
Fees and development application processes,
Building code requirements,
Real-estate pressures,
Transportation opportunities and/or limitations, construction economies (material and labour costs), and
Recent or planned municipal upgrades.
Reports include a variety of maps, photo documentation, 3D concept modeling and infographics.

Simulation and Geospatial Modeling
We simulate and test future regulatory scenarios by combining Agent Based Predictive Analysis with Geospatial Data Manipulation. Data is managed within a robust GIS environment that we share with our clients, or within our client's existing GIS infrastructure.
Simulations test scenarios and model rates of redevelopment, density increases, diversity of housing, tree canopy, and household emissions (based on modes of transport and/or shared walls and floors). Simulated results are mapped and streetscape views are 3D modeled.
Municipal upgrades and investments to support Infill Housing can be planned based on simulated scenarios, which can be refined to take servicing availability into account.
We simulate proposed regulatory changes, to allow for informed decision making and balanced outcomes.

We provide clear data supported guidance for zoning changes in existing neighbourhoods. We assist municipalities in working with housing providers and residents, and meeting Official Plan targets. We demonstrate the of power and agility of new zoning approaches. We test Form Based and an Inside-The-Box Zoning in context specific terms using 3D streetscape modeling.
We collaboratively develop and test new zoning ideas and provide tools for meaningful consultation.

In simple
We analyze and understand neighbourhoods as they evolve. We simulate proposed new regulations and investments in neighbourhoods, and find out if they will yield results that meet municipal targets for housing, tree canopy, emissions, diversity and much more. We assist city planning staff in designing zoning to produce desired infill housing and beneficial neighbourhood change.