Neighbourhood Infill Zoning Recommendations
Client: City of Ottawa
Date: March 2022 - October 2023
The RJH Team was contracted by the City of Ottawa to provide architectural and and planning consultant services towards the development of their new Neighbourhood Zoning. This involved consultation with City staff members on goals, opportunities and ideas for Neighbourhood Zoning, the preparation of zoning diagrams, site plans, floor plans, 3D models of gentle density infill options and other concepts that culminated in a Final Report. GIS and mapping work included analysis of areas in the City with greatest redevelopment potential within low-rise neighbourhoods based on key criteria: access to public transit based on proximity, access to amenities, age of development, existing zoning, and lot width and depth as well as considering other physical geographic barriers to development. The RJH Team also facilitated 8 working Group meetings alongside City Staff to gather industry stakeholder and community association feedback on Neighbourhood Zoning principles. The RJH team prepared presentation material, led discussions with Working Group participants, and summarized feedback.